A Bit About Me

Hi, I’m Nez!

Short for Narelle but because I am the only person under the age of 60 with this name, I got nicknamed Nez in school, and it just stuck.

I live in the Hunter Valley in NSW where my husband Andrew and I spend our days wine tasting and relaxing in our country ambiance…


We are raising 3 boys, and most of the time we high five ourselves just for making it through each day.

Charlie, Oliver and Ned are only 3.5 years apart from eldest to youngest.

I was working my day job through the week and Andrew worked the weekends so the only way we could get through parenting the boys was by having structure with them.

I didn’t know how to get them to sleep or how long they should be awake or asleep for or what an awake window meant.

So it became a bit of a hobby for me to start learning about all things sleep. It wasn’t until after I had Ned that I decided to become qualified and allow it to become my full-time passion!

Yep, I’m now one of those weirdos who says they never have to work a day in their life because they love what they do.

I get just as invested as each family I work with, so know that behind my weird humor, I truly love working out the art of sleep. And I LOVE that I can use up all my clucky-ness on your babies.

Shop / Book Now

Newborn Sleep Guide


4-6 Month Sleep Survival Guide


Toddler Sleep Program


Routines for all ages


Phone Consultation with Nez


Mums + Bubs Class


Sleepy Milestone Cards
